Key Facts To Remember While Caring for Ceramic Braces

Modern dental technologies are making advancements every day to come up with the best dental devices that work effectively to improve your smile. One such innovation in orthodontics is ceramic braces, which are being used as a better alternative to traditional metal braces. Although young adults might prefer metal braces to straighten their teeth, more and more adults are searching for discreet orthodontic devices.

If you wish to treat the misalignment of your teeth without drawing attention to them, ceramic braces near you might be your best option.

What Are Ceramic Braces?

Performing the same task as traditional metal braces, ceramic braces differ in that they are made of tooth-coloured brackets to provide a more discreet look. An orthodontist near you might even be able to provide you with ceramic braces that have tooth-coloured wires that completely blend in with your teeth and are hardly noticeable.

Ceramic braces hold huge benefits for people who want to undergo orthodontic treatment to properly align their teeth but shy away from the taboo of wearing unaesthetic metal braces. They serve the dual purpose of straightening your teeth while letting you carry on with your daily activities unhindered.

Benefits Of Using Ceramic Braces

The foremost advantage of choosing ceramic braces for your orthodontic treatment, as mentioned earlier, is their ability to blend in with the colour of your teeth.  They can be clear or made to match your tooth colour.

Another crucial upside to ceramic braces is that they are a cross between traditional braces and clear aligners, combining the best of both dental devices. They provide results at par with that of metal braces while being as discreet as clear aligners.

They are also a better choice for people with metal allergies requiring orthodontic treatment, as ceramic is non-toxic and does not cause irritation.

Best Ways To Care For Your Ceramic Braces

As with all other dental devices, ceramic braces also require you to take proper care of them if you wish to get the desired results. With proper maintenance and regular visits to your orthodontist in NE Calgary, you can ensure that your ceramic braces work effectively.

1.      Brushing Your Teeth Twice A Day

The importance of brushing teeth twice every day cannot be overstressed by dentists globally. It is the best way to maintain good oral hygiene and is especially important to follow when using ceramic braces. Braces have the tendency to trap food particles in their brackets which can become the cause of dental infections. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth clean and free of any food debris, every morning and night. Brush more often if required, for instance, after consuming sticky or chewy foods.

2.      Flossing Between Teeth Every Day

Using a toothbrush alone is not enough to properly free your mouth of germs and plaque build-up. Flossing helps to clean the grooves between your teeth that might accumulate fine food particles and lead to plaque and tartar. Different types of floss are available for people using braces as it is not easy to reach between teeth while wearing braces. Use appropriate dental floss and keep your ceramic braces clean.

3.      Watch Out For Foods Causing Discolouration

Ceramic tends to stain easily, hence, it is recommended that people using ceramic braces be cautious of consuming staining foods such as dark berries, dark chocolate and beverages like coffee, tea and red wine. If it is not feasible to completely give up such foods, remember to rinse your mouth immediately after their consumption to reduce staining.

4.      Avoid Damaging Your Ceramic Braces

Compared to traditional metal braces, ceramic braces are more prone to fractures and breakages. Remember to stay away from hard foods that can break the ceramic brackets or cause damage to them.

By now, you might already be searching for dental clinics providing ceramic braces in NE Calgary after having understood how helpful they can be in your orthodontic treatment. Totally Orthodontics is your best option if you’re looking for a reliable orthodontic experience that suits your lifestyle.


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